Wonder Woman 1984

Wonder Woman 1984 is the sequel to the 2017 film Wonder Woman, set in the vibrant and flashy 1980s. The story follows Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), who is living a quiet life as an anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institute while secretly acting as a superhero. Despite her immortal nature, Diana continues to mourn the loss of her love, Steve Trevor.

The plot kicks off when Diana and her colleague Barbara Minerva come across an ancient artifact known as the Dreamstone, which has the power to grant wishes. Diana unknowingly wishes for Steve’s return, and her wish is miraculously granted. Meanwhile, Barbara wishes to become like Diana, gaining extraordinary strength and agility.

Nueva imagen de Gal Gadot en Wonder Woman 1984

Streaming: 'Wonder Woman 1984' not what we wished for... - The Sonoma Index-Tribune

Here's where to find Wonder Woman 1984's dramatic scenery in real life - Lonely Planet

The Dreamstone falls into the hands of a manipulative businessman, Maxwell Lord, who uses its power to fulfill his ambition of becoming all-powerful. However, his excessive use of the artifact wreaks havoc, causing global chaos as the granted wishes come with dire consequences.

The Subtle Ways Wonder Woman 1984 Mirrors The Original Film

As the world spirals into turmoil, Diana must confront Maxwell Lord and Barbara, who has now transformed into the villainous Cheetah. She also faces an emotional dilemma regarding Steve, as keeping him alive comes at a great personal cost.

Wonder Woman 1984 New Cast & Returning Character Guide

Wonder Woman 1984 โ€” the heady escapism we need right now

The film explores themes of truth, sacrifice, and the danger of unchecked desires, culminating in a climactic battle where Diana persuades humanity to renounce their selfish wishes for the greater good. In the end, Diana chooses to let Steve go, embracing her role as a hero and protector of the world.

Diana Prince and Barbara Minerva / Wonder Woman vs Cheetah

Wonder Woman 1984 Is A Game-Changer Says Gal Gadot; Talks Training | Cosmic Book News