“Mickey 17” is an upcoming science fiction black comedy film directed by Bong Joon-ho, known for his acclaimed work on “Parasite.” The movie is based on Edward Ashton’s 2022 novel “Mickey 7” and features a notable cast, including Robert Pattinson, Naomi Ackie, Steven Yeun, Toni Collette, and Mark Ruffalo. It is scheduled for release in the United States on March 7, 2025.
The narrative centers on Mickey Barnes, portrayed by Pattinson, who serves as an “Expendable”βa disposable employeeβon a human expedition to colonize the icy planet Niflheim. His role involves undertaking perilous tasks that often lead to his death, after which he is regenerated with his memories intact. The plot delves into the complexities that arise when Mickey discovers multiple versions of himself coexisting, challenging the ethical and existential implications of his existence.
The film’s trailers highlight a blend of dark humor and philosophical inquiry, showcasing Pattinson’s character grappling with his repeated deaths and the emergence of his clones. The supporting cast, including Ackie, Yeun, Collette, and Ruffalo, contribute to the narrative’s depth, portraying characters that interact with Mickey in various capacities.
“Mickey 17” marks Bong Joon-ho’s return to the science fiction genre, promising a thought-provoking exploration of identity and the human condition, infused with his signature storytelling style.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official trailer below: