“Silence” is a 2016
“Silence” is a 2016 epic historical drama directed by Martin Scorsese, based on Shūsaku Endō’s 1966 novel. The film stars Andrew Garfield as Father Sebastião Rodrigues and Adam Driver as Father Francisco Garrpe, two 17th-century Portuguese Jesuit priests who journey to Japan to locate their mentor, Father Cristóvão Ferreira, portrayed by Liam Neeson. Their mission unfolds during a period when Christianity was outlawed in Japan, leading to severe persecution of Japanese Christians.
As the priests navigate the dangers of their clandestine mission, they witness the brutal suppression of the Kakure Kirishitan, or “hidden Christians.” The narrative delves into profound themes of faith, apostasy, and the silence of God amidst suffering. Father Rodrigues, in particular, grapples with his spiritual convictions as he endures imprisonment and observes the torment of his followers, raising questions about the limits of faith and the moral complexities of missionary work.
“Silence” received critical acclaim for its thought-provoking narrative and powerful performances, especially by Andrew Garfield, whose portrayal of Father Rodrigues was highlighted as a career-defining role. The film was recognized by the National Board of Review and the American Film Institute as one of the top ten films of the year and earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Cinematography. Despite its critical success, “Silence” faced challenges at the box office, grossing $23.8 million against a budget of $40–50 million.
“Silence” is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.