The Running Man
“The Running Man” is an upcoming dystopian action thriller directed by Edgar Wright, slated for release on November 21, 2025.
Plot Overview:
Set in a dystopian United States in 2025, the story follows Ben Richards (Glen Powell), a desperate man who volunteers for a deadly game show called “The Running Man.” In this government-controlled media spectacle, contestants are hunted by professional killers over 30 days. If Richards survives, he wins a cash prize that could save his sick child and lift his family out of poverty.
- Glen Powell as Ben Richards
- Katy O’Brian in a supporting role
- Daniel Ezra in a supporting role
- Karl Glusman in a supporting role
- Josh Brolin as the antagonist
- Lee Pace as the chief hunter
- Jayme Lawson in a supporting role
- Michael Cera in a supporting role
- Emilia Jones in a supporting role
- William H. Macy in a supporting role
Production Details:
The film is a more faithful adaptation of Stephen King’s 1982 novel, written under the pseudonym Richard Bachman, compared to the 1987 film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Edgar Wright directs and co-writes the screenplay with Michael Bacall. Principal photography began in November 2024, with filming locations including Glasgow, which was transformed into a dystopian New York for the production.
Release Information:
“The Running Man” is scheduled for theatrical release on November 21, 2025.
For more insights into the film, you can watch the following video: