“The Flood” is a 2023

“The Flood” is a 2023 horror thriller directed by Brandon Slagle. The film’s plot centers on a group of in-transit prisoners and their guards who become trapped in a Louisiana jail during a massive hurricane. As the facility floods, they face a new threat: a horde of giant, hungry alligators unleashed by the rising waters.

The Flood (2023) - IMDb

The Flood (2023) Official Trailer – Nicky Whelan, Casper Van Dien

The cast includes Nicky Whelan as the sheriff overseeing the prisoners, Casper Van Dien as a mysterious inmate central to a breakout plot, and Louis Mandylor in a supporting role. Despite the film’s promising premise, it has received mixed reviews. Critics have noted that while the actors deliver commendable performances, the film suffers from subpar CGI effects and a lack of engaging storytelling. The alligators, in particular, have been described as unconvincing due to poor visual effects, diminishing the intended horror impact.

The Flood' Review: An Alligator Thriller with a Bloody Chomp Factor

Overall, “The Flood” attempts to blend elements of disaster and creature-feature genres but falls short in execution, leading to a less thrilling experience than anticipated.