Something Borrowed (2011)
Something Borrowed (2011) is a romantic comedy-drama directed by Luke Greenfield, based on Emily Giffin’s bestselling novel. The story follows Rachel (Ginnifer Goodwin), a kind and intelligent lawyer who has always prioritized her best friend Darcy (Kate Hudson), an outgoing and confident woman who always gets what she wants.
As Rachel celebrates her 30th birthday, she gets drunk and unexpectedly spends the night with Dex (Colin Egglesfield), her longtime crush from law school—who also happens to be Darcy’s fiancé. This one mistake sets off a complicated love triangle, forcing Rachel to confront her true feelings and question whether she should continue sacrificing her happiness for the sake of her friendship with Darcy.
Rachel confides in her close friend Ethan (John Krasinski), who provides humor and support as she struggles with her guilt and emotions. Meanwhile, Darcy remains oblivious, wrapped up in wedding planning and her own self-centered world. As Rachel and Dex secretly meet and struggle with their emotions, they realize their connection runs deeper than they ever acknowledged.
As the wedding day approaches, secrets are revealed, friendships are tested, and Rachel must choose between loyalty to Darcy and following her heart. The film explores themes of love, betrayal, self-discovery, and the complexities of relationships, blending romance, drama, and humor in an emotional yet lighthearted story.