The Legend of Tomiris (2019)
The Legend of Tomiris (2019) is a historical drama film from Kazakhstan that tells the story of Tomiris, a legendary queen and warrior of the Massagetae, an ancient Scythian nomadic tribe. Directed by Akan Satayev, the movie is an epic retelling of her life, focusing on her rise to power and her fierce struggle to protect her people.
Plot Summary
The film begins with Tomiris as a young girl witnessing the murder of her father, the tribal leader, by treacherous rivals. Forced to flee for her life, she grows up in exile, training to become a skilled warrior and strategist.
As she matures, Tomiris returns to claim her rightful place as leader of her people. The story highlights her resilience, intelligence, and bravery as she unites the scattered nomadic tribes into a powerful force. The central conflict revolves around her confrontation with Cyrus the Great, the ambitious and powerful king of the Persian Empire, who seeks to conquer the Massagetae.
The climax of the movie depicts the legendary battle between Tomiris’ army and the Persians. Using her cunning tactics, she overcomes the might of Cyrus’ forces, culminating in a dramatic and decisive victory that cements her legacy as a symbol of freedom and resistance.
The film explores themes of justice, betrayal, leadership, and the strength of women in history. Tomiris is portrayed as a strong yet compassionate leader, embodying qualities of wisdom and courage.
The Legend of Tomiris is noted for its stunning cinematography, showcasing the vast steppes of Central Asia and vividly recreating the ancient world. The film features elaborate costumes and sets that reflect the culture and lifestyle of the Scythian tribes. It also strives for historical accuracy, based on accounts from Herodotus and other ancient sources, though it takes creative liberties for dramatic purposes.
The movie has been praised for its powerful storytelling, compelling performances, especially by Almira Tursyn as Tomiris, and its focus on a historical female leader who is often overlooked in global history.
If you’re a fan of epic historical dramas with strong female protagonists, this film is a must-watch!