“Colette” (2018)

“Colette” (2018) is a biographical drama starring Keira Knightley as Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, a French novelist and one of the most celebrated literary figures of her time. Directed by Wash Westmoreland, the film explores themes of creativity, gender, sexuality, and self-discovery.

Review: Colette | The GATE

Review: 'Colette' is witty drama with Oscar-level material ****1/2

Colette movie review & film summary (2018) | Roger Ebert

Plot Summary

Set in late 19th and early 20th century France, the film follows Colette’s journey from a young woman in rural Burgundy to becoming a trailblazing writer in Paris. After marrying Henry Gauthier-Villars, known as “Willy” (played by Dominic West), a charismatic and controlling Parisian writer, Colette moves to the capital.

Colette: Trailer 2

Willy is a writer and entrepreneur who employs ghostwriters to pen works under his name. Recognizing Colette’s talent, he encourages her to write a semi-autobiographical novel about her schoolgirl years. The result is “Claudine at School”, which becomes an instant sensation. However, the books are published under Willy’s name, leaving Colette without recognition.

Review: 'Colette' is witty drama with Oscar-level material ****1/2

As their relationship grows strained due to Willy’s infidelities and financial irresponsibility, Colette begins to challenge societal norms. She explores her own identity, entering into relationships with women, including the gender-defying aristocrat Missy (played by Denise Gough). Over time, Colette gains the courage to break free from Willy’s control, assert her independence, and claim her literary legacy.

Themes and Highlights

  • Empowerment and Independence: The film focuses on Colette’s fight to reclaim her voice and identity in a male-dominated world.
  • Sexuality and Gender: Colette’s relationships and exploration of her sexual identity are central to her journey of self-discovery.
  • Artistic Integrity: The story highlights the struggle for artistic recognition and the power dynamics within creative collaborations.


“Colette” was praised for Keira Knightley’s captivating performance, its lush period detail, and its nuanced exploration of a pioneering woman’s life. The film received acclaim for shedding light on Colette’s groundbreaking contributions to literature and culture, making her a feminist icon ahead of her time.