Blackwater Lane
“Blackwater Lane” is a 2024 American supernatural horror film directed by Jeff Celentano, based on B.A. Paris’ 2017 novel “The Breakdown.”
Plot Summary:
The story centers on Cassandra “Cass” Anderson (Minka Kelly), a drama teacher who, after moving into a lavish country manor with her husband Matthew (Dermot Mulroney), becomes entangled in a mysterious murder. Late one night, she drives past a stranded motorist who is later found dead. Following this incident, Cass experiences a series of unsettling events that lead her to question her sanity and fear that she may be the killer’s next target.
- Minka Kelly as Cassandra “Cass” Anderson
- Dermot Mulroney as Matthew Anderson
- Maggie Grace as Rachel
- Natalie Simpson as DC Lawson
- Kris Johnson as Alex Walters
Critical Reception: The film has received mixed reviews. Some critics have noted that while Minka Kelly delivers a commendable performance, the plot is filled with red herrings and suffers from sluggish pacing, leading to a convoluted climax. Overall, it has been described as a frustrating and unsatisfactory watch.
Availability: “Blackwater Lane” was released theatrically and on-demand by Lionsgate Films on June 21, 2024. As of October 2024, it is available for streaming on Peacock.