3 Minutes (2021)
3 Minutes (2021) is a captivating short film that explores the profound impact of fleeting moments.
Directed by Dana Reilly, this documentary-style film is centered around an old home movie shot in 1938 by David Kurtz during a trip to a predominantly Jewish town in Poland, just before the outbreak of World War II. The footage offers a rare glimpse into a community that would soon be decimated by the Holocaust.
The film’s narrative is constructed from the only surviving footage of the town, presenting a vibrant and thriving community frozen in time. Narrated by Helena Bonham Carter, it delves into the lives of the individuals captured in those brief three minutes of film, reconstructing their stories and providing a haunting meditation on memory, loss, and the passage of time.
The film is not only an artistic endeavor but also a historical preservation effort, reminding viewers of the human stories that existed before the tragedy of the Holocaust. It’s a moving experience that encourages reflection on the significance of capturing and preserving moments from the past.