The Dead Don’t Hurt

“The Dead Don’t Hurt” is a 2023 Western film directed by Viggo Mortensen, who also stars alongside Vicky Krieps. Set in the 1860s, the narrative follows Vivienne Le Coudy (Krieps), a fiercely independent French-Canadian woman, and Holger Olsen (Mortensen), a Danish immigrant carpenter. The two meet in San Francisco and relocate to the remote town of Elk Flats, Nevada, where their relationship is tested by the challenges of frontier life and the looming Civil War.

The Dead Don't Hurt review – Vicky Krieps is a woman of substance in Viggo Mortensen's offbeat western | Westerns | The Guardian

The film delves into themes of love, resilience, and the pursuit of justice in a lawless land. Vivienne’s strength and independence are central to the story, especially when Olsen departs to join the Union Army, leaving her to navigate the perils of Elk Flats alone. Her character’s journey is marked by personal trials, including a violent assault, and her determination to maintain autonomy in a male-dominated society.

The Dead Don't Hurt' Review: Viggo Mortensen Lets Vicky Krieps Lead

Critics have noted the film’s deliberate pacing and focus on character development. Peter Debruge of Variety highlights Mortensen’s approach, stating that the film “frontloads the lawlessness and mayhem we expect from a western, then gradually introduces the… relationship between a man, a woman, and a child.” Vicky Krieps’ portrayal of Vivienne has been particularly praised, with the Financial Times describing her performance as the “heart of the film.”

The Dead Don't Hurt' Review: Vicky Krieps in Viggo Mortensen Western

“The Dead Don’t Hurt” premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 8, 2023, and was subsequently released in North America on May 31, 2024. The film has received generally favorable reviews for its nuanced performances and exploration of complex themes within the Western genre.