Kinda Pregnant
“Kinda Pregnant” is an upcoming American comedy film directed by Tyler Spindel, set to premiere on Netflix on February 5, 2025. The film stars Amy Schumer as Lainy Newton, a single English teacher in Brooklyn who, feeling envious of her best friend’s pregnancy, decides to wear a fake baby bump. This charade leads her to unexpectedly meet her ideal man, portrayed by Will Forte, resulting in a series of humorous and heartfelt events.
The cast includes Jillian Bell as Lainy’s best friend Kate, Brianne Howey, Damon Wayans Jr., Alex Moffat, and others. The film explores themes of societal pressures on women, the realities versus expectations of marriage and parenthood, and the significance of female friendships. Schumer, who co-wrote and produced the film, describes it as “laugh-out-loud funny and relatable,” aiming to highlight women’s experiences and choices in a comedic yet meaningful way.
“Kinda Pregnant” is produced by Happy Madison Productions and Something Happy Productions, with notable producers including Adam Sandler and Molly Sims. The film has a runtime of 81 minutes and is in English.