Ben 10 (2025) – First Trailer | Tom Holland


*Ben 10* is an action-packed animated series that follows the adventures of 10-year-old Ben Tennyson, who gains the power to transform into a variety of alien creatures. While on a summer road trip with his cousin Gwen and Grandpa Max, Ben stumbles upon a mysterious, watch-like device called the Omnitrix. Once it attaches to his wrist, he discovers that it can transform him into ten different aliens, each with unique abilities, such as super strength, speed, and control over elements.

Live-Action Ben 10 Movie Is Officially Dead (Exclusive)

Throughout the series, Ben uses the Omnitrix to protect Earth from villains, extraterrestrial threats, and supernatural creatures. His cousin Gwen, a skilled sorceress with a sharp intellect, and Grandpa Max, a former “Plumber” with a wealth of knowledge about aliens, often join him on these missions. Together, they make a formidable team, balancing action, humor, and heart as they face off against a range of antagonists, including the power-hungry alien warlord Vilgax and other otherworldly foes.

Movie 1 - BEN 10: Live Action Movie (204) Netflix Movie "Ben 10"  live-action movie, coming to Netflix in 2025. Starring Tom Holland, this  highly anticipated adaptation promises thrilling adventures and epic


What sets *Ben 10* apart is its blend of sci-fi adventure, character growth, and the relatable challenges Ben faces as a young hero. The Omnitrix, with its nearly endless potential for new alien forms, adds a layer of excitement and unpredictability, making Ben’s journey a constantly evolving one. Across multiple series and reboots, *Ben 10* has become a beloved franchise, capturing the imaginations of fans with its engaging storytelling, unique alien designs, and Benโ€™s journey from a carefree kid to a responsible hero.