Time Cut 2024

Time Cut 2024
Madison Bailey, Antonia Gentry, Griffin Gluck, Michael Shanks
Directed By Hannah MacPherson 92 Minutes
Streaming only on Netflix Summary:
A high school girl from 2024 travels back in time to 2003. While in 2003, she decides to stop a serial killer who murdered her sister, and destroyed her family.
Tl; Dr Review: Time Cut is a tame, poorly written, shoddily directed, and badly acted movie with some of the worst dialogue I’ve heard in some time. It’s as predictable as the sun rising and setting and it feels like there isn’t even an effort to put on a good film here.
Full Review:
Not only does Time Cut manage to usurp Night Swim as the worst horror movie of 2024, it manages to become one of the worst horror movies, if not the worst horror movie, of the 2020s thus far. First things first, Time Cut is not a rip off of Totally Killer, which has a similar premise but is far better. Time Cut was filmed back in spring/summer of 2021, and released in late October of 2024. That tells you enough already.
Imagine if Totally Killer was directed by Tommy Wiseau, written by Charlie Kelly from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and everyone acts as if they’ve just taken sleeping medication, that is Time Cut in a nutshell. The dialogue is some of the worst I’ve heard in some time. It ranges from laughably bad to migraine inducing. The movie even violates the “show, don’t tell rule” giving several exposition drops, especially in the third act. While I won’t go into spoilers, there are some mind numbing dumb moments that make you question how this movie was even green lit. Granted, a lot of movies these days are filled with dumb moments, but a couple of moments here push those limits.
This movie doesn’t even try to be suspenseful. It doesn’t even try to hide who the killer is. Once you see the character on the screen, not only do you realize they’re the killer, you’ve figured out their motive and M.O. Besides that, not a single character in this movie is interesting. By the time the movie is over, you’ve forgotten their names. They’re not only blandly written but badly acted. Everyone acts monotonously, almost as if they’ve taken sleep medication that has just started to kick in as the cameras begin to roll.
The movie’s 2003 setting is probably the closest thing it gets right. The aesthetic does feel like something from that era, but lazily. It feels like how someone from now would describe 2003, rather than how someone from 2003 would describe it. It also doesn’t help that they play one song from that time period over and over again, an Avril Lavigne song. Nothing against Avril Lavigne but a lot of other songs came out in 2003 besides Complicated(which actually came out in 2002).
The kills here aren’t even interesting. One kill comes kind of close to being creative, but overall, this feels like the Freeform version of Totally Killer. Most of the kills are bloodless or show only a little blood, and even some are off screen.
Time Cut is simply a terrible, lazy, mind numbing awful movie. It’s clear why this was shelved for nearly four years. There is hardly any redeeming value to it, and I feel like the score I’m giving it is a tad too generous. I’ve scored movies lower than this that actually entertained me more.
2 out of 10
Ryan A.
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