The Mummy: Resurrection

“The Mummy: Resurrection” is a 2022 horror film directed by Steve Lawson. The story follows Everett Randolph, an unscrupulous individual who acquires a supposedly cursed Egyptian sarcophagus containing a mummified princess. Driven by obsession, Randolph devises a plan to resurrect the ancient princess, a process that ominously requires human blood.

The Mummy: Resurrection | Official Trailer | Horror Brains

The film has received generally unfavorable reviews, holding an IMDb rating of 3.5 out of 10 based on 263 user ratings.

As of January 2025, there is no film titled “The Mummy Resurrection” released in 2024. Recent online speculation suggested that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson would star in a new installment of “The Mummy” franchise under this title. However, these rumors have been debunked, with sources confirming that the purported trailers are fabricated, using spliced footage from other films.

Therefore, no legitimate film titled “The Mummy Resurrection” was released in 2024. The most recent film with a similar title is “The Mummy: Resurrection” from 2022.