The Bunker
“The Bunker” is a 2024 American science fiction horror film directed by Brian Hanson and co-written with Charles Bunce. The film stars Chelsea Edmundson as Dr. Michelle Riley, a micropathogen specialist, and Chad Michael Collins as Dr. Sam Ellis, the lead bioengineer of a bio-weapons team. Veteran actors Tobin Bell and Tony Todd also feature prominently.
Set against the backdrop of an alien invasion, the narrative centers on Dr. Riley, who becomes trapped in an underground bunker. Tasked with developing a biological weapon to combat the extraterrestrial threat, she faces mounting pressure as the situation outside deteriorates. The film delves into themes of isolation, the ethical dilemmas of bioengineering, and the psychological toll of confinement during a global crisis.
Inspired by the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns, principal photography began in May 2021 in Los Angeles. The film had its world premiere at the Popcorn Frights Film Festival on August 16, 2024, followed by screenings at the 25th FrightFest film festival and the 25th Trieste Science+Fiction Festival. Critics have noted the film’s tense atmosphere and compelling performances, particularly highlighting the contributions of Edmundson and Collins.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official trailer below: