“Invasion,” also known as “Attraction 2,” is a 2020 Russian science fiction action film directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk. It serves as a sequel to the 2017 film “Attraction” and continues the narrative three years after an alien spaceship crash-landed in Moscow.
The story centers on Yulia Lebedeva (Irina Starshenbaum), who, after her encounter with extraterrestrial technology, develops extraordinary abilities. Under constant surveillance by the government, Yulia becomes the focal point of scientific studies led by her father, Colonel Valentin Lebedev (Oleg Menshikov). As new threats emerge, humanity faces the possibility of another alien invasion, with Yulia’s newfound powers playing a crucial role in the unfolding events.
The film features returning cast members from the original, including Rinal Mukhametov as Hekon and Alexander Petrov as Artyom Tkachyov. “Invasion” was shot in various locations, including Moscow, Kaliningrad, the Kamchatka Peninsula, and Hungary, and was released in Russia on January 1, 2020.
Critics have noted that while the film boasts impressive visual effects and action sequences, it may be challenging for viewers unfamiliar with the first installment to fully grasp the plot. The film’s runtime is approximately 129 minutes, and it is presented in Russian and English languages.
For those interested in science fiction narratives that explore human-alien interactions and the consequences of advanced technologies, “Invasion” offers a continuation of the themes introduced in its predecessor, delving deeper into the complexities of such encounters.
As of now, “Invasion” holds a rating on Rotten Tomatoes, reflecting mixed reviews from critics and audiences.
Please note that viewer discretion is advised, as the film contains scenes of intense action and may not be suitable for all audiences.