Back in Action
“Back in Action” is a 2025 American action-comedy film directed by Seth Gordon, featuring Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx as Emily and Matt Reynolds, respectively. The plot centers on these former CIA agents who, after retiring to lead a peaceful family life in suburban Atlanta, are thrust back into the world of espionage when their secret identities are exposed.
The film marks Cameron Diaz’s return to acting after a decade-long hiatus, reuniting her with Jamie Foxx, her co-star from “Any Given Sunday” and “Annie.” The supporting cast includes Glenn Close as Emily’s estranged mother, Ginny Curtis, a former MI6 sniper; Kyle Chandler as Chuck, the couple’s former CIA superior; and Andrew Scott as Baron, an MI6 agent and Emily’s ex-boyfriend.
Upon its release on Netflix on January 17, 2025, “Back in Action” received mixed reviews. Critics noted that while the film aimed for substance, its premise felt familiar and formulaic. Christy Lemire of commented that the movie “isn’t as obnoxiously soulless as ‘Red Notice,’ but it’s firmly within that subgenre of glossy, globetrotting action pictures you can stream while you fold your laundry.” Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times added that although Diaz and Foxx are “terrific together,” the film is “forgettable.”
Despite the star-studded cast and high-octane action sequences, “Back in Action” has been critiqued for its lack of originality and over-reliance on genre clichés. The film is currently available for streaming on Netflix.