Dirty Angels

“Dirty Angels” is a 2024 American action thriller directed by Martin Campbell, known for his work on films like “Casino Royale” and “The Mask of Zorro.” The screenplay was co-written by Campbell, Alissa Sullivan Haggis, and Jonas McCord.

Dirty Angels' Review: Women on a Mission - The New York Times

Dirty Angels: Release date, cast, plot and more about Eva Green's upcoming action thriller film

Plot Overview: Set against the backdrop of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the film follows a group of female soldiers who disguise themselves as medical workers to rescue kidnapped schoolgirls caught between ISIS and Taliban forces.

Dirty Angels' Review - Eva Green and Martin Campbell's Action Thriller Is No 'Casino Royale'

Main Cast:

  • Eva Green as Jake
  • Maria Bakalova as The Bomb
  • Ruby Rose
  • Jojo T. Gibbs
  • Rona-Lee Shimon
  • Christopher Backus
  • Reza Brojerdi as Malik
  • Aziz Çapkurt as Abbas

Critical Reception: The film has received mixed reviews. Critics have noted its intense action sequences and the strong performances of the lead actresses. However, some reviews mention that the film follows a by-the-numbers approach to the hostage thriller genre, with one-dimensional characters and cultural oversimplifications.

Release Information: “Dirty Angels” was released in theaters and on video on demand on December 13, 2024.

Dirty Angels (2024) Official Trailer | Red films - YouTube

Where to Watch: As of now, the film is available for streaming on various platforms. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on where to watch “Dirty Angels,” please refer to official streaming services or the film’s official website.