Halloween Ends 2
As of January 2025, there is no official film titled “Halloween Ends 2” scheduled for release. The most recent installment in the Halloween franchise is “Halloween Ends,” released in 2022, which was intended to conclude the storyline between Laurie Strode and Michael Myers.
However, the franchise’s future remains active. In October 2023, Miramax acquired the television rights to the Halloween series, with plans to develop a new TV series that serves as a creative reset, spinning out of the original 1978 film rather than continuing the recent narrative.
Additionally, a film titled “Halloween Aftermath” is slated for release in 2025. This movie follows Cole Dalton, a survivor of the 2018 Halloween night, as he attempts to heal and move on, unaware that evil still lurks.
While “Halloween Ends” was marketed as the conclusion of the Michael Myers and Laurie Strode saga, the franchise’s enduring popularity suggests that new stories within the Halloween universe will continue to emerge in various forms.